Sunday, 15 January 2017


It is necessary whenever you need to lose your weight you  must see a dietitian in order to get a healthy diet plan for your weight loss. A dietitian will help you to achieve and maintain good health through a balanced diet that is personally tailored to meet your needs.



If you decide that you want to lose weight, the dietitian will make a note of your weight and height in order to work out a realistic weight goal with you. He or she may also ask you to keep a food diary. A dietitian will ask you about your current eating habits and lifestyle for examplehow often you eat, your food likes and dislikes and whether you have any special dietary needs. You may be asked about you previous dieting experiences.




A dietitian will suggest that you follow a healthy balanced diet with a variety of foods. A recommended diet would aim at reducing your normal daily calorie intake by about 500 calories. For example, if you eat 2000 calories, you should reduce your intake to 1500 calories.(Women should not go below about 1200 calories a day and men should not go below about 1600 calories.)Rather than count calories, the dietitian will help you to plan ways to lower your fat intake, particularly fried foods and fatty foods such as pastry, mayonnaise and biscuits.

Keeping a food diary will help you to be more aware of your eating habits and give you a basis for making gradual changes. In addition, you will be encouraged to include regular exercise ( for example, three to four times a week for 20 to 40 minutes or walking for two miles or more ) to help maintain your metabolic rate and preserve or increase your lean tissue ( muscle). Altogether the amount of weight you should lose is no more than 500g to 1 kilogram ( one to two pounds) per week, otherwise you will become too hungry and start losing lean tissue.


Most people who genuinely want to control their weight will take enough positive steps towards improvement. But there is little merit in trying to change old eating patterns overnight, sweeping everything from butter to sausages to chocolate biscuits out of your life and kitchen forever, in a single, irrevocable act. The most effective changes are the ones that you make gradually - they may soon become just a habit. 

1 Eat less: butter, margarine and mayonnaise on sandwiches; fried foods like chips and doughnuts; fatty burgers, sausages, pies and tarts; cakes, biscuits, and puddings; chocolate; crisps and other snacks.

2 Change to lower-fat alternatives: skimmed or semi-skimmed milk instead of full fat; poultry (without skin) and the white meat rather than the dark; fish instead of red meat; trimmed lean meat instead of marbled; low-fat cheeses, such as cottage cheese, instead of hard cheese, grilled, stir-fried or baked food instead of fried or roasted food.

Making a chicken leg less fatty

Chicken skin contains a lot of saturated fat so remove it before cooking. Using a pair of scissors, snip the edge of the chicken skin, then pull the chicken skin away from the meat.

After you have reached the right weight, how long do you have to continue the weight-loss diet?

Once you have reached your healthy weight, you will be advised to gradually increase your calorie intake over a period of one to two weeks by eating larger quantities of low-fat, high-carbohydrate foods, for example, pasta. If you have made gradual and practical changes, you will find it easy not to revert to your old eating habits.  Continue to eat the same well-balanced meals that you did when you were slimming and check your weight about every two weeks. 

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